From Recipes for Success Podcast: S1:Ep 4 In Conversation with Sharon Shaz Hughes, Setting Boundaries, Self care is not Selfish & Hire the Help
Challenging the Notion of Self-Care Being Selfish for Women
In Episode 4, an engaging conversation with my guest Sharon "Shaz" Hughes, we talk of how women grapple with the societal stigma that labels women as selfish for placing their own needs first. As women, we are expected to effortlessly juggle multifaceted responsibilities, both at home and in the workplace, all while maintaining an unwavering facade of having it "all together" as we do.

Sharon reflects on her personal journey of reclaiming her sense of self and prioritizing self-care. Sharon counters the notion that self-care is selfish, by stressing the importance of self-care for overall well-being, urging women to understand that taking care of oneself is far from selfish; rather, it is a fundamental necessity. You simply cannot pour from an empty cup.
Our discussion highlights a recurring pattern where women tend to selflessly put others before themselves—whether it's allocating family needs over personal desires or taking on various caregiving roles within the extended family and the workplace. We discuss the overarching burden of care women shoulder, encompassing familial responsibilities, social obligations, and professional roles, alongside the many, often unnoticed demands placed on women.
For example, I delve into the often-unseen gender dynamics that play out in professional settings. In both our experiences women are frequently saddled with or gravitate towards tasks such as arranging social events or organising celebratory office cards. While I agree that these play an important role in contributing to a positive company culture, they often go unrecognized and unrewarded come promotion and annual review time, ultimately contributing to the disparity in professional advancement between men and women.
Our conversation concludes with a call to action. We emphasize the importance of reframing self-care as a necessity rather than a selfish indulgence. Sharon's personal journey and insights encourage women to break free from the societal narrative that pits self-care against caregiving roles. Instead, she urges us to embrace self-prioritization, understanding that taking care of oneself not only enhances personal well-being but also equips women to better serve others.
Our conversation serves as a reminder to all women that caring for oneself is not just acceptable but vital, allowing women to navigate the myriad roles they undertake with renewed energy and a healthier perspective.
Read Shaz’s blog:
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