On Instagram there is a trend where people share their Morning Coffee thoughts. I love the idea, I think it's nice to get a snapshot into what others are thinking about to get us thinking ourselves.
I wanted to share some of the thoughts that really stuck with me last week (I write them down on the notes section of my phone as I go along)
I was really anxious this week. A combination of taking on new responsibilities in my personal and professional life, lots of speculation about covid lockdowns and overscheduling myself a bit. This week I am going to take it a bit more day to day with my plans and have at least one evening where I have no obligations. I did mention it to people I trusted that I was feeling anxious and that helped, I guess as it let me acknowledge how I was feeling.
I loved this advice I read: What can I control? What can I influence? What must I accept? With Covid there are decisions being made that are out of our control as they're being made by Government, but it reminded me of trying to "control the controllables". Like my reaction
Hard work matters. The harder I work, the luckier I get.
Mostly it is loss that teaches us about the worth of things. I think this has been so true during the pandemic, where I miss things like the camaraderie in the office, eating out, meeting friends & family and making plans and not worrying about whether they will be change or be allowed.
Movement moves stuck energy. The more you move, the better your mood. My 500k step challenge for October is really proving that! Sometimes I am allergic to the thought of getting out and going for a walk, but I always feel better after .
Start small, think giant. I guess this connected for me as I've been working hard to break down resistance and procrastination.
Letting go is wild. I want to get to a place where I can let go of the past, and of caring so much about what other people think of me. Wild.
What have you been thinking about this week?