We've all had those awful days where climbing into bed with the duvet over us, never to resurface, seems like the best course of action.
I thought I would put together a list of 101 tips on how to make a bad day better through very ordinary actions:
Change your bedsheets. There is nothing like going to sleep on fresh bed linen
Play your favourite song
Make a list - it braindumps whatever is on your mind
Get some fresh air i.e. go outside
Hug someone or something - a human, your pet, a tree!
Stand up if you sit at a desk all day
Light a candle (scented if you are that way declined)
Connect. Call, text or voice note a friend
Go star gazing, or watch the sunset
Toast and tea cures many ailments
Find something or someone that makes you laugh
Soak in a hot bath
Praise or thank someone today - in person or online. This could be as simple as thanking the man in the coffee shop for a delicious coffee
Never underestimate the power of a good outfit on a bad day
Eat slower, really savour your food
Read 5 pages of a book, or a short poem, to transport you to another world
Cook something, even a boiled egg, concentrating on the process
Go into nature - forest, park, sea, wherever your heart is calling you to
Put your phone in another room
Meditate - even one minute helps
Take yourself out on a date. For breakfast. To the cinema. Whatever brings you joy and creates quality time with yourself
React differently - it proves to yourself you can change and make progress
Drink more water
Put your food on a plate and sit at a table, device free
Declutter. Closets, kitchen presses and junk drawers are particularly satisfying
Move - emotions are energy in motion, so move to move the energy.. Dance it out. Shake it out
Let someone out in traffic
Get some sunlight
Write a note of gratitude to one person who has made an impact on your life in the last year
Do a random act of kindness e.g. buy a stranger a cup of coffee
Use emojis and gifs in your messages
Ask for help
Make a donation
Play in nature. Skim a stone. Splash in puddles. Be a snow angel
Skip watching the news
Try something new
Bag up clothes that no longer fit, ready to be donated or recycled
Tick off a task that has been on your to do list for a long time
Spend less time on social media scrolling
Write down or say out loud 3 things you are grateful for
Buy (or pick) yourself flowers
Look up
Plan something for the future you will enjoy - a massage, a holiday etc
Pick up the clothes on your bedroom floor
Look at the favourite photos starred on your camera roll - likely they will help you reminisce about better times
Say a positive affirmation out loud. "I am enough" never gets old
Write down what is worrying you
Get sweaty with some exercise
Take care of someone else other than you - like bringing your dog for a walk, or doing an errand for a neighbour
Sit in a relaxing pose. Feet against the wall and child's pose are personal favourites
If you're angry, hit a pillow. Break some plates.
Create a personal ritual. Like, instead of making a cup of instant coffee, make a French press pot, serve it in a cup and saucer, maybe sitting outside
Slow down and breathe
Get your hands in dirt with some gardening (house plants included)
Sit in silence for 3 minutes
Look for beauty right where you are
Wash your face
Go for a long drive. Often a change of scenery can help
Create a spotify playlist centered around a specific theme like gratitude, sadness, resilience etc. You can bury yourself in finding the music that fits that theme
Listen to the sounds of nature. Waves, water and birdsong are some of my favourites
Strike up a conversation with a stranger, even if just to say hello
Save some money. A coin in a jar, or €1 to a revolut vault
Stand in the grass in your bare feet
Don't set unrealistic expectations for the day. If you're not feeling great, thinking you will still cook, go to a party, work out etc, is just heaping on guilt, shame and pressure.
Watch a movie as a form of escapism
Take a nap
Reflect on what triggers your bad days, and what tactics help turn them around
Sing* loudly - in the car or the shower are often favourites (*good singing voice not required)
Eat your favourite food - no food rules necessary, although a favourite comfort food, like a big bowl of pasta, can often hit the spot
Spend 5 minutes tidying up - there is a lightness when our environment has a little structure in it
Do something playful, like make a puzzle, borrow the kids toys!
Engage in one of your favourite hobbies
Read some motivational quotes to lift your spirits
Visit somewhere that has history - it grounds us. An old ruins, an art gallery, a museum
Take a photograph of something that catches your eye. It could be a sunset, a person, or anything you encounter during the day
Accept that the day is challenging (don't deny it, it makes things worse)
Indulge in some "me" time, whatever that means to you
Watch the clouds go by
Go to bed an hour earlier than normal
Find the silver lining - our bad days teach us about ourselves. Is there a lesson from this difficult situation?
Jot down your wins of the day (or week)
Count to 10
Draw or colour. There is a reason art therapy exists
Learn something new by reading a blog, video on YouTube or in real life
Try some Yoga, however long or short, as yoga helps in so many ways. Grounding, presence, movement, compassion
Look at the sky
Remember no feelings are final. This too shall pass
Ask 5 friends for one word they would use to describe you & why
Send someone you love a gift. The anticipation of their joy, will help spark some of your own
Treat yourself to something of luxury (within your budget) e.g. fancy coffee
Try some form of cold water immersion. Ice bath. Sea swim. Cold shower
Create a visionboard that captures your goals, hopes and dreams
Achieve a "quick win"
Put your head between your knees and count to 10
Focus on what you control
Close your eyes for a few minutes
101: I will leave you with Matt Haig's reminder for tough times:
"One day this will be over. And we will be grateful for life in ways we never thought possible"
I hope these 101 tips to make a bad day better give you some inspiration and help. If not, remember it's just one bad day.
Please, add your own tips in the comments below, I would love to hear from you!
Photo by Ian Taylor on Unsplash